Thursday, October 20, 2011

Predicting my childs future

CJ frequently asks me what I think she should be when she grows up. I usually go with "lawyer" because the kid argues more than anyone I know.

She found her true calling on accident.

Apparently in 2nd grade you get to learn about "predictions". This is a way of finding out who is going to spend their whole life being right, who is going to spend their life arguing they're right even when they have no clue, and who you never want to send to buy your lottery tickets.

My sweet precious 7 year old (at the time) came home from school and told me they are now playing "predictions" at recess.

I asked for more details, in an attempt to be a good mother who listens (when I'm really not one of those...)

That sweet precious 7 year old (at the time) comes up with the predictions (will Tommy wear a blue shirt tomorrow or red? Will the next car that drives by be a truck? you get the point). She has also been having the kids she plays with bring all of the change they can find at home.

She then takes the change, gives the prediction and then doles out the winnings to the kids who predict right, while taking a small cut for herself.

My 8 year old has a bright shining career in a life of organized crime in her future. At least we can spend her college savings on something really cool, like an alpaca farm.

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